Sunday 25 April 2010

Movie Making

Thought I could make a slide show at some point with the photographs of my final pieces so me and my sister have experimented with a bit of film making over the weekend, the theme isn't really connected with my concept just a bit of fun so take a look!

Photographs by Alexandra Knight & Bridie Shaw
Music by Lady Gaga

Special thanks to all the Living Dead Doll's that took part!

Thursday 22 April 2010

Tell Tale Heart

I have been trying to find a replica of a human heart to use as part of my final display based on the Poe story The Tell Tale Heart.... Lucky for me I have a strange kid sister who's hobby is to collect Living Dead Doll's and one she recently bought contains a small plastic human heart that is perfect! She has also purchased a double doll set of Edgar Allan Poe and Annabelle Lee (poem wrote by Poe) which also contains a small raven that I could also put to some use.

Photographs courtesy of Bridie Shaw

More Sketchbook.....

Here's more pics from my sketchbook, I got the idea of making a variety of luggage tags after seeing some Alice In Wonderland themed ones on a blog a few weeks ago, for mine I went for a nostalgic look using vintage paper, self-adhesive lettering, pressed flowers, decoupage and ageing techniques such as tea-staining.

Another Market Find

Picked up this box frame from the second hand market yesterday morning, it originally displayed small plastic fruit (think its purpose was to be an art piece suitable for the kitchen.... awful!!) so I took everything out as I thought it would be suitable to keep small accessories such as rings, earrings and brooches in.

Teacup Re-Vamp

Remember the teacup I bought from a second hand market a few months ago... well it's been sitting around my house not doing much ever since so I had the idea of buying a small house plant to put inside. I have also purchased a few flower shaped rings that I thought could be pushed into the soil......just another unique way of displaying accessories.

Gold Bug

I've gave the beetle I bought last week a bit of a make-over so it looks more authentic for it's part in The Gold Bug final piece, firstly I painted the back of the beetle a brass gold (self-explanatory really!) and then covered the inside of the frame using pages from a vintage book that I tea-stained to give it that old vintage look.

Friday 16 April 2010

Big bug

Got this great real beetle (Eupatorus Gracillicorms) from a seller on ebay and its HUGE! I am going to spray the back gold so it can form part of my final Gold Bug display.

Thursday 15 April 2010

More Presented Research

Here's a few pics of my 'in progress' presented research, I particular like the blue image of the girl and dripping ink.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Presented Research

These are a few of my presented research pages that I have been working on over the past week or so, please note that they are still a working progress. Most of the pages are made up of things I have collected and scanned into my computer whilst adding a few images from my initial research, the overall look is nostalgic, gothic and romantic.

Saturday 3 April 2010


As poisoning seems to be the prefered method of killing in the Victorian period I purchased this fab purple poison bottle from a small bits and bobs shop, not sure if it really is from the 1800's and did contain poison or if its just a gimmick as there was no information about it's past or whereabouts but it does look old and authentic so will be great for the display.

Murder in Mind

When going back through my past research I have noticed reoccuring references to murder and death in the many short stories and poems I have collected in my file. Murder in particular seems to be a big theme throughout Poe's short stories and when doing a little bit of research into famous murderer's of the 1800's I found a whole variety of ruthless killings especially in Britain throughout the Victorian period, Burke and Hare, Mary Ann Cotton and the infamous Jack the Ripper to name a few. So I had the idea of referencing some of these murder's along with others from the literature such as Poe's Tell Tale Heart in a final piece called Murder In Mind.